Miről híres a mai nap?
... nők klubja, Válás francia módra).

1945 (63 éve történt)
84 éves korában meghalt Henrietta Szold amerikai zsidó vezető, a "Hadassah" nevű szervezet (Women's Zionist Organization of America) megalapítója, amely az amerikai nők cionista szerveződése.

1972 (36 éve történt)
Befejeződött a tizenegyedik Téli Olimpia Japánban, Sapporoban.

Ezen a napon történt
... antropológiai megalapítója volt.
Részletes leírás

1860 (148 éve történt)
Megszületett Henrietta Szold amerikai zsidó vezető, a "Hadassah" nevű szervezet (Women's Zionist Organization of America) megalapítója, amely az amerikai nők cionista szerveződése.
Részletes leírás

1913 (95 éve történt)
Megjelent az első keresztrejtvény, a "...
Hogyan lesznek a tények antisz
Képzelődés vagy összeesküvés?

Részletek az elhallgatott történelemből

Az elmúlt három évszázadban az egyre szervezettebbé váló háttérhatalom történelem-formáló mélyáramlatai felerősödve éreztették hatásukat. A XX. században pedig világháborúkat előidéző örvénylésbe kezdtek. A háborúkkal sikeresen lehetett eltávolítani a hagyományos, dinasztikus államokat, a so...
Ez történt - Január 1. -én
... of the nations fighting Germany, Italy and Japan - the Axis powers. Twenty-six nations were among the original signatories. In the fall of that year, the Revisionist (New Zionist) Organization of America called on the United Nations to apply the "Four Freedoms" as delineated by President Roosevelt a year earlier to the Jewish people as well and to allow them to be represented. Roo...
Ez történt - Január 11. -én
... HAKIBBUTZ HADATI (Eretz Israel)
The religious kibbutz movement was founded. This kibbutz movement was affiliated with the HaPoel HaMizrachi movement and the religious Zionist Labor Organization. Its idea was to combine religious life and labor in communal agricultural settlements, the first being Tirat Tzvi.

1941. január 11. Az ankarai német nagykövetnek címzett...
Ez történt - Január 12. -én
... represented by Louis Marshall (President of the American Jewish Committee), Rabbi Stephen Wise and Judge Julian Mack, President of the Congress. In France they joined with other world Jewish organizations to form the Comite des Delegation Juives with Julian Mack and then Louis Marshal as chairmen. Dr. Leo Motzkin, Zionist and publicist, was appointed secretary. They succeeded in p...
Ez történt - Január 23. -án
... Ferencet pedig, a Nemzeti Akarat Pártja vezérét rendőri felügyelet alá helyezte, ugyanakkor engedélyezte a Hungarista Mozgalom megalakítását.

1942 January 23, UNITED PARTISANS ORGANIZATION (UPO) (Vilna, Lithuania)
Also known as the FPO (Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye) was founded in Vilna. It was the first organization which united the left-wing Zionists, the...
Ez történt - Január 30. -án
... previous year Recha Freier, a rabbi's wife decided it would be a good idea to send young people from Germany to kibbutzim. She founded the Juedische Jugendhilfe (Jewish Youth Help) organization to help facilitate the work. That same year it became a department of the World Zionist Organization under Henrietta Szold, whose name is linked to the saving of over 15,000 young people fr...
Ez történt - Február 5. -én
... to prevent from being taken to Treblinka. After the Aktion, many informers were "taken care of." The small revolt proved the importance of a united front and forced the major second organization consisting of HaNoar HaTzioni, Dror, and other organizations to join in one united front.

1971. február 5. Szovjetunióbeli száműzetésében meghal Rákosi alias Rosenfeld Mátyás, ...
Ez történt - Március 2. -án
... Kibbutz Ein Harod. During that time he was interrogated and even tortured. This and other incidents led to the condemnation of the Haganah policies by the Chief Rabbinate and civil organizations. The protests, together with the disillusion of the Zionist leadership with British promises, led to the eventual collapse of "the Season". According to both sides, the Season did not succ...
Ez történt - Március 5. -én
... majd ,,kegyelemből" gályarabságra ítélték.

1902 March 5, MIZRACHI MOVEMENT (Vilna,Lithuania)
Was set up by Rabbi Isaac Jacob Reines as a religious Zionist organization based on the Basel Program and commitment to the Torah. Mizrachi (the acronym of Merkaz Ruchani (Spiritual Center)) is both an ideological and an educational movement. Its slogan "Eretz ...
Ez történt - Március 7. -én
... to Hasidism, he nonetheless believed that Jewish tradition was vital for the preservation of Judaism.

1912 March 7, HADASSAH (New York, USA)
The Women's Zionist Organization of America was founded by Henrietta Szold. The name Hadassah is another name for Esther and was chosen since the meeting was held close to the Purim holiday. Their main goals included promot...
Ez történt - Április 1.-én
... differed with Roosevelt's actions or lack thereof. The Zionist movement had a tradition of opposing the Revisionist movement and the Irgun. In addition, it was vociferously against any organization which didn't work under its aegis. The organization later evolved into the Committee for a Jewish Army and gained a lot of grass-root support from both Jewish and non-Jewish sources. ...
Ez történt - Április 7.-én
... differed with Roosevelt's actions or lack thereof. The Zionist movement had a tradition of opposing the Revisionist movement and the Irgun. In addition, it was vociferously against any organization which didn't work under its aegis. The organization later evolved into the Committee for a Jewish Army and gained a lot of grass-root support from both Jewish and non-Jewish sources....
Ez történt - Május 1.-én
... Zionism entirely on his own. Herzl wrote "The Jewish State" in three weeks and then launched his Zionist program. He served as the physical and spiritual head of the World Zionist Organization until his death soon after the Uganda scheme failed to win support. During his life, he met with as many heads of state as possible in order to win support for a national homeland.
Ez történt - Május 11.-én
... Roosevelt's New Deal. Morgenthau was an early adherent of America joining in the war against Germany and was instrumental in the setting up of the War Refugee Board. He helped many Jewish organizations and served as the honorary chairman of the United Jewish Appeal.

1922. május 11. Sang...
Ez történt - Május 16.-án
... early Zionist leader. Although Birnbaum left orthodoxy at a young age, his direction moved into Jewish Nationalism rather than assimilation. He formed Kadimah, a nationalist students organization in 1882 and became one of Herzl's strong supporters. Three years later, he founded and edited the first Jewish nationalist journal in German, Selbstemanzipation, where the term Zionism wa...
Ez történt - Június 4.-én
... (The World) (Vienna, Austria)
First publication of the Zionist weekly founded by Theodore Herzl. Die Welt ran until 1914 and was the official publication of the World Zionist Organization. The paper dealt with Zionist ideas and events as well as anti- Semitism. Among its editors were Martin Buber and Nahum Sokolow.

1920. június 4. A magyar küldöttség aláírja a tr...
Ez történt - Június 15.-én
... original idea had been proposed by Israel Shochat eight years earlier. With the onset of the British Mandate the Zionist leaders had thought there would not be a need for a self-defense organization. The Arab attacks earlier that year proved them wrong. Eliyahu Golomb was its first commander.

1940 June 15, LA MER ET L'ENFANT (Paris, France)
Became the first soci...
Ez történt - Július 1.-én
... he refused to relinquish the name. The Mensheviks included many Jews including Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz(Rein), and Fyodor Ilyich Dan (Gurvich). The two groups argued over organization and tactics with the Menshevicks believing it best to cooperate with liberals and wished to have a more "open" party. In general there were more Jews in the Mensheviks which better reflected...
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Címkék: Henrietta Szold, Zionist Organization, Téli Olimpia Japánban, Megszületett Henrietta Szold, United Nations, Four Freedoms, President Roosevelt, HAKIBBUTZ HADATI, Eretz Israel, HaPoel HaMizrachi, Zionist Labor Organization, Tirat Tzvi, Louis Marshall, American Jewish Committee, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Judge Julian Mack, Delegation Juives, Julian Mack, Louis Marshal, Nemzeti Akarat Pártja, Hungarista Mozgalom, UNITED PARTISANS ORGANIZATION, Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye, Recha Freier, Juedische Jugendhilfe, Jewish Youth Help, World Zionist Organization, HaNoar HaTzioni, Rosenfeld Mátyás, Kibbutz Ein Harod, Chief Rabbinate, MIZRACHI MOVEMENT, Rabbi Isaac Jacob Reines, Basel Program, Merkaz Ruchani, Spiritual Center, Jewish Army, Jewish State, Refugee Board, United Jewish Appeal, Although Birnbaum, Jewish Nationalism, Theodore Herzl, Martin Buber, Nahum Sokolow, Israel Shochat, British Mandate, Eliyahu Golomb, Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz, Fyodor Ilyich Dan, napon történt, tények antisz,
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